Electric Book Works Publishing reinvented for the digital age

Making ebooks with Sigil, HTML and CSS

‘Making ebooks with Sigil, HTML and CSS’ is an in-depth, practical crash course in ebook production, ideal for editorial and production staff familiar with InDesign. The aim is to provide your organisation with in-house technical expertise for quality assurance and production-process decisions. We teach basic HTML and CSS (stylesheets) to enable participants to create, evaluate and fix basic epubs, and to know how to tackle problems when they arise. Participants work mostly in Sigil and a little InDesign, learning how best to edit content and control layout.

This course includes condensed versions of ‘Starting out with HTML and CSS’ and ‘InDesign best practice for print and ebooks’.

Read the course notes

Arthur Attwell 21 October 2014
This information is more than two years old, and may no longer be accurate.